Most people think once you are inside the car and the doors are closed, there is not much to separate one limousine from another.
Our fleet of brand-new, top-of-the-line cars and party buses might just change your mind about that. But what makes us at Pilot Limousine Service really stand out is our extraordinary dedication to your satisfaction.
We can guarantee our clients the total commitment of all our staff to making your experience with us as pleasant as possible. As a family-owned business, our devotion to quality service is more than a mission statement: to us, it is personal.
At Pilot Limousine Service, we emphasize professionalism. To us, that means: punctuality, discretion, courtesy, cleanliness and the flexibility to meet your every need. Let one of our uniformed chauffeurs show you what we mean, whatever the occasion.
Why choose us:
Professionally trained chauffeurs
24/7 full-service transportation
Longstanding safety record
Newer fleet in the Inland Empire
Our services:
Wedding Packages
Prom Night
Wine Tasting
Night Out
Birthday Party
Bachelor Party
Night Out
Corporate Needs
Party Bus
Special Packages
We also service the following areas:
Rancho Cucamonga
Chino Hills
San Bernardino
Grand Terrace
Loma Linda
Traditional Package
Full service from your home to the church.
Pictures and on to the reception for a total of 4 hours for up to 8 passengers.
Complimentary sparkling champagne or cider.
Red carpet and decorations
The Pilot Package
Full service from your home to the church
Pictures, and on to the reception for a total of 4 hours for up to 8 passengers.
Hotel or airport service after the reception
Complimentary sparkling champagne or cider, red carpet and decorations
The Pearl Package
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties for a total of 5 hours for up to 10 passengers
Full service from your home to the church
Pictures and on to the reception for a total of 4 hours for up to 8 passengers
Hotel or airport service after the reception
Complimentary sparkling champagne or cider, red carpet and decorations
The Diamond Package
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties for a total of 5 hours for up to 10 passengers
Airport Services for Guests (before or after wedding)
Full service from your home to the church.
Pictures and on to the reception for a total of 4 hours for up to 8 passengers
Optional transportation for some guests (up to two trips)
Hotel or airport service after the reception for bride and groom
Complimentary sparkling champagne or cider, red carpet and decorations
Your complete satisfaction is Pilot Limousine Service’s one and only priority. With that in mind, we have designed our packages based on the most popular and frequent customer requests over our history of service.
We are always ready to learn more and to do more. Special requests are a welcome challenge we will happily meet to the best of our ability. Let us know how we can best personalize your service today.