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Church or Garden?

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My entire family is like traditional Catholic....ALL of my cousins have gotten married in But I'm a little all grew up together on the east coast, and I grew up in CA... Sooo, I've sort of strayed from claiming a "Religion" and don't mind not getting married in a I wonder if it would shame my family though!?....
You can do what you want as long as it makes you happy and you don't step on other people. But speaking of wedding, I think church wedding is better than garden wedding. Aside from it is more solemn, no unnecessary distractions can intervene your wedding like bad weather, or something like that. I am currently looking for great Miami wedding churches to hold my wedding. I think it's not bad to put God in the center of your wedding and hold it in His house.
Faye Mikes
Oct 31, 2016
Man! Do what makes YOU happy!! People put too much emphasis on Tradition, or Religion...
Bella Jenkins
Jan 05, 2016