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Naked Cakes

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So I've been using Pinterest a lot to plan my wedding and I see "naked cakes" EVERYWHERE. A naked cake is basically just an cake without frosting on the outside. At first I HATED this trend, and would never dream of having a wedding cake that wasn't covered in fondant. But the more I see these cakes, the more I start to like like rustic feel. I'm also having my wedding reception outdoors so I think it might actually fit in perfect with my garden wedding. Has anyone decided on a "naked cake" for their wedding? What did you use to decorate it? Berries? Leaves? Please help!

Hmmm, a naked like no frosting?? I cant imagine it tasting very Who wants to eat some dry bread? Lol

Kim B.
Mar 24, 2016
The Wedding Expert
Mar 10, 2016
Naked cakes can be great. Basboosa is a Middle Eastern cake type that has been covered/and soaked in a simple syrup, so it will never dry out. It's a favorite of many, and is very well received as a new and exotic flavor. I have made these types of cakes. ;-)
Sausan Molthen
Feb 26, 2016
Don't think if it has less it would be cheaper. Expect to pay about the same going rate as any wedding cake. The process is very unforgiving. The issue with naked cakes is, frosting seals in the cakes moisture. The cake can dry out very quickly. So the baker has to bake it as late as possible. Then set it up just before the cutting ceremony, for the best quality.
Jan 05, 2016
I think a naked cake is a great idea. Me personally, I prefer the old fashion, kind of outdoorsy stuff. I'm a hippie though, what do I know. Id say decorate it with berries and like gold dusted twigs! something like that! ;-) - J.Gump
Jenny Gump
Dec 17, 2015