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Good officiant for gay couple in a small town in Georgia

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I'm from a small town of Dalton GA and i'm having trouble finding a good officiant to marry me and my partner. It seems like those who say they are happy to marry any couple including gay couples, only say that to get more business, sadly. We want someone who would be sincerely happy to marry us.

Laura is right. If you want to find someone that you know is sincerely happy to marry you and your partner, your best bet is to go with a friend or family member. My friends (both women) asked me to marry them, and I joyfully accepted. It was so easy to go online and become an ordained minister, and now I can do it for anyone that asks. Hope that helps. Congrats on your wedding! 

Eliza Padilla
Apr 18, 2016
I want to say there was a wedding planning site strictly geared toward gay couples. I can't remember what it was. I bet you could find some one there. If not. Consider a friend or some one who can do it. Any one can go through the process and become an officiant.
Jan 05, 2016